Transport and Travel

From desktop and server management to network design and cyber security. Benefit from flexible IT solutions designed to meet the needs of your business.

By partnering with RTS, your transport and travel business gains an entire IT resource, or our experts can work alongside your existing team to further skills in your IT department.

The transport and travel industry is busier than ever. There is a rising need for quick, efficient and accurate service to customers which is crucial. 
At RTS, we’re able to tailor our Managed IT to suit businesses in the transport and travel industry by a delivering solution based on your specific business demands. Our dedicated team of experts provide the flexibility required to implement seamless IT solutions.

Our seasoned team has successfully delivered robust, reliable, and cost-effective solutions across the UK, ensuring you have the technology foundation necessary to succeed.

Services Tailored to Your Industry


Drive a companywide digital transformation project by utilising the latest Microsoft technology, enabling employees to perform their tasks securely and seamlessly, 24/7.


Keep your security strategy robust and protect critical customer data with a disciplined approach for staying ahead of cyber threats. Build a secure security strategy with RTS.

IT Efficiency

Our seasoned team of experts consists of network specialists, cyber security experts and many support services, ensuring your IT has the capabilities to help your business grow.

Who we've helped

"The nature of our operations is complex and varied with multiple stakeholders that interact with our IT systems at different levels. RTS are integral to maintaining our relationships with these stakeholders and ensuring a consistent and reliable service is maintained”

RTS helps Transdev Airport Services securely transition their IT services to five sites and improve response time in business critical situations.

We understand the nature of your industry sector and the challenges you face on a daily basis. Let us give you one less thing to worry about, by providing you with seamless IT services.

Below are just some of the services we are able to offer:​

Our Connectivity services include tailored network offerings ranging from business broadband, SoGEA and FTTP. Our aim is to keep you connected.


Our Telephony services encompass state-of-the-art VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, which enables seamless communication across various channels.


Our Security services include robust firewall protection and antivirus solutions. Specialising in advanced threat protection, phishing prevention and endpoint security. 

Managed IT

Our Managed IT services proactively maintain your IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your core business while we securely manage your IT needs.

Modern Workplace

Our Modern Workplace services allow your business to operate dynamically by leveraging cutting edge technologies and reducing operational overheads.


Our Networking services protect your business against ever evolving cyber security threats and help secure your technology infrastructure.

WiFi Marketing

Our WiFi Marketing services allow operators to collect customer insights and drive sales. Direct integrations allow users to be funnelled through your marketing pipeline.


Our WiFi services provide advanced solutions with features such as load balancing for optimised data traffic and secure guest access.

Our Customers

Retail Technology Services
Retail Technology Services

Our Partners

Retail Technology Services
Retail Technology Services
Contact us today to discover how RTS can help
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