PSTN Switch Off

By 2027, all traditional phone lines will stop working and calls will have to be made over the internet.

PSTN Switch Off

The Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) will close in 2027. By then, every phone line in the UK will have moved to a fully digital network that uses Internet Protocol (IP) across a fibre-based service. This won’t just affect voice services, it may also mean you need to upgrade your broadband.

What is PSTN Switch Off?

The UK's telephone network is going digital. The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is scheduled to be switched off in 2027, and your traditional landline connection will be replaced with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services.

Why is this happening?

The current network is old and difficult to maintain. As an essentially 20th century technology, the PSTN is increasingly out of kilter with the demands of 21st century communications in this digital world.

What is Stop-Sell?

The term "Stop-Sell" is used by Openreach to signify stopping the sale of certain products. This is different from product withdrawn, as under "Stop-Sell" any end customer who already has the product will be able to continue using it (until it is withdrawn).

What is the impact of stop-sell?

Businesses must transition to digital alternatives. Transition can enhance communication efficiency, but at the same time it demands adaption. This will potentially impact operations, compliance and competitiveness. Early readiness is key for businesses.

Why wait?

Upgrade your connectivity, switch to internet based services and avoid business disruption today!


RTS specialise in guiding businesses through this transition, with hundreds of sites transitioned to Next-Gen comms. Our experts understand that reliable connectivity and efficient communication are vital for your success.


We'll seamlessly migrate your operations to high-speed broadband and VoIP services. This ensures uninterrupted connectivity and empowers your team with modern, cost effective tools for collaboration.


If you are an RTS customer then we will be in touch to guide you through the transition process – if you are not then we can still help, please contact us and we can help you make the best choices for your business.

PSTN Switch Off: Key Dates.

November 2017

BT Openreach announce intentions to switch off PSTN/ISDN in 2027.

December 2020-23

Individual locations will stop selling PSTN/ISDN lines through a phased approach.

September 2023

PSTN/ISDN lines will no longer be sold in the UK.

January 2027

The PSTN/ISDN network is switched off across the UK.

What else do you need to know?

If you're currently on an ISDN contract, you don't need to do anything at the moment.

However, you do need to be mindful that when your contract is up for renewal, switching to a hosted telephony solution is highly recommended.

What happens in 2027?

The Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) will close in 2027. Your provider will migrate all PSTN services to alternative solutions before the December deadline. However, if any of your services remain on the PSTN network they will be withdrawn, and you will be left without service.

What is PSTN and ISDN?

PSTN stands for Public Switched Telephone Network. It's the copper wire network set up for analogue voice communications. ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network, which users the traditional PSTN network to allow the digital transmission of voice, video and other services.

what replacements are available?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) are the go to solution for replacing traditional systems. These allow you to make calls over the internet and result in better quality calls, smaller bills, a whole host of features and can grow with your business.

How can RTS help?

Prepare for PSTN Switch Off with RTS​

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Modern Workplace

Our Modern Workplace services allow your business to operate dynamically by leveraging cutting edge technologies and reducing operational overheads.


Our Protect services offer you the tools to build resilient security. Empowering your organisation to take a proactive stance against ever evolving threats.


Our VoIP services offer a cloud-based telephony platform equipped with advanced functionalities designed to enhance productivity and lower costs.

Other Services


Our Connectivity services include tailored network offerings ranging from business broadband, SoGEA and FTTP. Our aim is to keep you connected.


Our Telephony services encompass state-of-the-art VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, which enables seamless communication across various channels.


Our Security services include robust firewall protection and antivirus solutions. Specialising in advanced threat protection, phishing prevention and endpoint security. 

Managed IT

Our Managed IT services proactively maintain your IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your core business while we securely manage your IT needs.

Modern Workplace

Our Modern Workplace services allow your business to operate dynamically by leveraging cutting edge technologies and reducing operational overheads.


Our Networking services protect your business against ever evolving cyber security threats and help secure your technology infrastructure.

WiFi Marketing

Our WiFi Marketing services allow operators to collect customer insights and drive sales. Direct integrations allow users to be funnelled through your marketing pipeline.


Our WiFi services provide advanced solutions with features such as load balancing for optimised data traffic and secure guest access.

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